Choose from a selection of 20, 30 or 40 premium long stemmed pink roses. The Funeral Flower Shop takes much pride in the work that they complete. Every order is prepared and delivered to ensure your flowers arrive in the best condition. When you order flowers through The Funeral Flower Shop, our florists pre-order the flowers required for your arrangement through our network of trusted local flower growers. Your flowers are delivered to our warehouse on the morning of your chosen delivery date at 6am and our florists work hard to get your order prepared for the days delivery. Coordination the logistics behind funeral flowers takes much time and preparation - something best left to specialists in the field. These are premium long stem pink roses suitable for delivery to the home or business. The arrangement is large and can also be used as a display for a memorial or church service.
- 70cm height
Product Size
- 60cm width- 70cm height
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Click here for more Flower Arrangements
Ratings & Reviews
Pink Roses Arrangement
Rating Average (1 Reviews)
This product has been rated by 2 customers and reviewed by 1 customers.
Zivan from Greenvale, Victoria, 3059 rated this product 5 stars
Planning a funeral can be overwhelming, but the Funeral Flower Shop made it so easy. They handled everything with professionalism.
October 18, 2024